St. Francis Xavier, and at long last the activity of the late 1920' s was partially renewed. Father Reilly brought his youthful exuberance, his kindly zeal and many talents to his ministry. Slowly, despite the continuing hard times, the spiritual and the social life of the parish progressed from its near standstill position. The societies of the parish were reactivated and renewed, but the coming of the Second World War kept this conversion from complete fulfillment. In June, 1941, Father Eugene Reilly entered into ! the service of his country, and the many saddened parishioners he left behind attested to his priestly popularity and devotion to his duties. Father James Johnson succeeded Father Reilly and vigorously pushed forward his fine work in spite of the war years. Indeed, Father Johnson soon captivated the parish. Young and old looked to him with admiration. Where Father Reilly had begun the return of some to the Sacraments, Father Johnson turned that most important work from a running brook to a strong stream. Father Johnson preached well, and he was extremely personable. He published a parish newspaper, he continued the social and athletic activities begun by Father Reilly, and he pushed them forward in a more extended way . And when he, in turn, left the parish in the summer of 1946, after having been its administrator for some time
and after having paid off the church debt and burned the mortgage note, our people were genuinely grieved. Many, many parishioners still speak glowingly of both Fathers Reilly and Johnson - the truest token of esteem any priest can receive.
And thus, with the death of Father Lisa, the passing from the scene of Father Reilly and Father Johnson, the parish prepared to venture into a new era.
In the month of our Virgin Mother Mary, on May 25, 1929, Joseph A. Dooling was ordained a priest by Bishop Thomas Joseph Walsh, and on that day a rather interesting relationship arose between the Bishop and his to newest priest. Bishop Walsh assigned Father Dooling to

Members of the clergy precede Archbishop Boland and Bishop
McNulty as they leave the church following the Mass marking thededication of our church.