ished at what was accomplished; so much was done with so little, and all because a provident pastor dared to do the unusual, dared to act with small, meager means, rather than await the day when permanent means of education were to be completely at his command. He understood that to act and possibly fail, only to act again, was immeasurably better than not to act at all. He realized that the years would not wait for the youngsters in his parish.
In 1949, after 25 years of teaching and training the children of St. Francis Xavier Parish, the Dominican Sisters departed from our midst. They left an image and a memory of zealous work and dedicated duty which is vivid down to this glorious day in the history of our parish. Sister Edmund departed with her band of Sisters, Florence, Jean Adrain, Patricia, Frances Michael, Richard, Therese, Blanche, Margaret Louise, Hilda and Catherine Patricia, with a sense of great accomplishment mingled with regret. They were succeeded by the Maestre Pie Filippini. Sister Carmelinda Sciscento became the superior and the principal of the school in place of Sister Edmund, and another group of dedicated souls took the place of the departing Dominicans: Sisters Angelica Colasurdo, Lucy Maigieri, Lorraine Chaudron, Carmela DiMauro,Dorothy DiCaristofaro, Dolores Vitale, Adeline Orlandtni,
Priests and parishioners gathered together on Memorial Day, 1955, to witness the dedication 0/ a World War II Memorial at the side of our church. The memorial was donated by members of the FatherOwens Memorial Post. No. 1185 of the Catholic War Veterans.
Frances Feraro, Helen Mekis and Theresa DiPasquale. One paragraph seems such a pitfully inadequate space to write of the Maestre Pie Filippini who teach in our grammar school. However, in the last analysis they have no need of the printed word to describe what they have done for our school children since 1950. It is not an easy thing to succeed another Religious Community in a parish, for comparisons are inevitable, at least in the first years. But in this year of Our Lord 1964 we can categorically state that the Filippini Sisters have found a home at St. Francis Xavier Parish, and that the parish is completely at home with them. Truly, St. Lucy Filippini has found still another corner of the world in which she continues to sing out her all-consuming cry: "Love God!" Her daughters multiply her over and over again as they work in our midst. And, if we would put the meaning of our school into flesh and blood, we could not do better than put it in the person of a truly warm-hearted, entirely dedicated daughter of St. Lucy Filippini. And if the purpose of a Catholic school could be put into two words, then the cry
Dooling pauses to chatwith two young kindergarten graduates.