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special prayer for the Blessing
of the Divine Mercy Slirine
Blessed are you Lord, God of grace and mercy. In many and varied ways you continuously reveal yourself to us. you sent your only Son to be our Savior and Lord. He calIs us together as his church to carry on the work of salvation.
Graciously send your blessing upon this place of worship which we now designate as an Archdiocesan Shrine of Divine Mercy.
Make it be a holy house, a well-spring of truth and life, a source of holiness ana grace, a fountain of justice love and peace, whrere the wonders of your mercy wiII ever be proclaimed and ceaselessly cerebrated:
:Make it a place rich in mercy where your suppliant people will never tire of asking your forgiveness.
Here, through the kindness of your grace, may they experience mutual love and become vehicles of joyfuI service to others.
Here may they know the presence of Christ, experience the peace of his friendship, and grow in his love; so that constantly adoring you in your holy temple they may come to glory in your sight with all the saints. trough Christ our Lord.
Buy the Most Rev. Archbishop
John Joseph Myers.
Newark New jersey, :May 17, 2014
The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
The Divine Mercy Chaplet which millions recite today was taught to Saint Faustina Kowalska as an invocation of trust in our Lord