The men of the parish who served as ushers on the day of dedication.
lishing our parish newspaper and in conducting social and athletic endeavors - all this while fulfilling without detriment the only essential, indeed, the sole work of a priest- the ministration of the Sacraments, the daily, scrupulous service given at Columbus Hospital and the preaching, teaching, and spiritual counseling that are so closely bound to the life of a priest. Need we mention the most important phase of the priesthood - standing daily before the Altar of the Living God and participating in the Priesthood of Jesus Christ through the sacrifice of the Mass.
Two activities must be mentioned before we hasten to the conclusion of this history. They concern the Little League and the Vacation School Program instituted by Monsignor Dooling, and religiously followed through to the present day. Those who have seen his joy in marching in the opening parade of the Little League each year, and who have seen him speaking with warmth and genuine zeal at the award nights thatclosethe baseball season, know that to Monsignor Dooling this work is not one of passing fancy but rather one of deep abiding purpose. The very same can be said of the Vacation School Activities
every summer.
It is utterly impossible to tell the complete story of the growth and development of our school under Monsignor Dooling in the few paragraphs that are at our disposal. Monsignor Dooling, with the assistance of his vigorous and deeply devoted priests, breathed a courageous and venturesome spirit into a somewhat unhealthy parochial body. Soon that parochial body was firmly planted on its two feet and was taking strong steps forward. More than mounds of earth were moved in those years, more than houses and classrooms, more than the ownership of property to the parish; minds and hearts were moved, an entire parish and its people were moved. They were the years of plowing and pruning, years of toil and trial, and, God only knows, even of tears.
When the new church was com pleted, Monsignor Dooling turned his full attention to his second love at St. Francis Xavier. He threw himself completely into the work of the education of his spiritual little ones. When Father Dooling became pastor of St. Francis in 1946, only 220 children registered in our grammar school in September of that year. Because of this our pastor began, with much assistance and determination, the religious education of about 800 public school pupils. At the same time the old church was renovated to make room for many, many more pupils. Houses on the property were fitted out to take care of still larger groups of youngsters. So great was the desire of Monsignor Dooling to give as many children as possible the benefit of a Catholic education that he left no stone unturned. Many children in the area above 13th Street were completely without the opportunity of attending a Catholic school. This dire neglect im pelled Father Dooling to accept them into his school and to see to their transportation.
By means of our service and the use of classroom space in the neighboring parishes of St. Rocco, St. Anthony and Good Counsel, hundreds of our children received the priceless blessing of our Catholic heritage found abundantly in our school system. Looking back on those years, stretching as they do down to our own day, one stands aston